Sunday, March 4, 2007

Non omnia possumus omnes (We can’t all do everything) - Virgil

Frustration1_1 Non omnia possumus omnes (We can’t all do everything) - Virgil

The holiday fever lasted just as when the rambling and rat-tat-tat of fireworks faded out at dawn-break, January 1st. A year that almost broke my nerves and patience fizzled out into the dying chambers of forgotten days and memories. A calendar year that was once again thrown into the trash bin or to shoulda-woulda-coulda’s emblem and shroud of frustration.

And when everybody’s in the process of looking back and forward in endless gatherings, small talks and soliloquies, post-new year, I will always rest my case in the loser’s embodiment of Virgil’s credo: We can’t all do everything. (period!!!)

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